To help celebrate the year of Scotland’s coasts and waters, the Lyth Arts Centre are in the process of creating a ‘Marine Mosaic‘ featuring artwork from professionals and amateurs to complete beginners. Any age and style is allowed, so there is no limit to your creativity.

All that is required is a blank canvas of 12.5 x 12.5cm, and this can be easily made from anything around the house. Be traditional with paper or card, or have fun with upcycled materials. 

Once you have your canvas the aim is to fill it with anything that expresses your inner thoughts and feelings about the Caithness Coastline. The artwork can be done through any medium, just make sure it showcases the importance of the coastline to you.

Once completed, submit you entry by the following steps;

  1. Make sure your name is somewhere on it so that you can be credited.
  2.  Post it to the Lyth Arts Centre –

Lyth Arts Centre




       3. Send a photograph of your art via email or tag on Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter with @lythartscentre

When enough tiles have been sent in, they will be combined in a huge Mosaic to celebrate the coasts beloved by the people of Caithness. It will also appear as a display at the Northern Lights Festival in Wick. 



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