101 Non-Emergency Number
999 Emergency Number – when a life is in danger, a crime is in progress or a suspect is nearby.
101 is the new number to contact the police when it’s less urgent than 999.
The 101 non-emergency number will make it quicker and easier for you to contact the police when you don’t need an emergency response, for example to:
- speak to your local police officer
- report a crime that’s already happened, such as a theft or damage to property
- get crime prevention advice
- make us aware of any policing issues in your area
When you dial 101, the system will determine your location and connect you to the service centre covering your area.
MOUNTAIN RESCUE – dial 999 and ask for Police, then Mountain Rescue
Minor Injuries Unit
The Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at Stirling Community Hospital is open from 9am to 9pm, 7 days. No appointment is necessary and you can be treated for a wide range of minor injuries.
- minor burns and scalds
- infected wounds
- sprains and strains
- cuts and grazes
- minor eye injuries
- minor ear injuries (not infections)
- minor head and neck injuries
- suspected broken bones (staff can arrange X-rays and apply plaster, if required)
Stirling Community Hospital
Livilands Gate
Phone: 01786 434036
NHS out-of-hours service
When your GP and local pharmacy are closed, and you are too ill to wait for them to re-open, turn to your NHS out-of-hours service.
What is the NHS out-of-hours service?
Out-of-hours is 6 pm to 8 am, Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Your healthboard provides a number of services so that, if you need it, you can receive care and treatment during this period.
How to contact the service
Phone NHS 24 on 111, this number is free on mobiles and landlines.
NHS 24 handles all calls to the out-of-hours service.
How will they help?
NHS 24 will assess your needs and, if appropriate, refer you to the nearest out-of-hours service.
If you are well enough to wait, you will be given self-management advice until your GP surgery re-opens.
Out of hours emergency advice and guidance
Call: 111
Textphone users: 18001 111
Click below to search for local GP’s, dentists, opticians, pharmacies and other NHS services in the area.
Find Local Services
To find Hospitals, Doctors (GPs), Dentists, Opticians, Pharmacies and Stop Smoking Clinics in Forth Valley please enter your Town or Postcode (i.e ‘Stirling’). Click the bubble for more information and directions. For all of our hospital services and departments see our Health Services A-Z. Missing or incorrect information? Please report it.
Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic
Stirling Sexual Health Clinics have been temporarily moved to Falkirk Community Hospital due to major refurbishment in Stirling
- Contraception including emergency contraception and free condoms
- Longer lasting contraception e.g. implants and coils
- Pregnancy testing, advice and referral for termination of pregnancy
- Testing and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV
- Safer sex advice, general advice and support for any sexually related problems or concerns
Patients requiring sexual health services should call for an appointment –
Telephone 01324 673554 between 8:30am & 1:00pm (Mon- Fri). Appointments are available to book 48 hours in advance.
Bin Collection – The blue box is collected every week and the grey and brown bins are collected on alternate weeks. A calendar showing which week your collections are scheduled, can be obtained from –
Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC’s)
1 – Lower Polmaise, by Fallin off the A905, FK7 7FG
Last entry to the HWRC is at 16:45Summer Opening Hours (01 April – 30 September): Monday to Sunday 08:30 till 18:30.
Last entry to the HWRC is at 18:15
2 – Balfron, Dunkeld Court (behind the Balfron Co-Op), G63 0TE
Opening Hours (all year): Monday to Friday 17:00 – 20:00; Saturday 10:00 – 14:00;
Sunday closed.
3 – Callander, Lagrannoch Depot, Geisher Road FK17 8LD
Opening Hours (all year): Monday to Friday 17:00 – 20:00; Saturday 10:00 – 14:00;
Sunday closed.
Copyright – All information on this page is courtesy of the relevant agencies and is from their own websites.